Saturday, October 26, 2013 ruthless visionmaker [Tera Online] Visionmaker 3 Myth or Fact? Update visionmaker 3 is a fact 2/17/2014 So people have been speculating a lot whether there will be a visionmaker 3 as well as another upgr...
Monday, September 9, 2013 ruthless visionmaker [Tera Online] English Translations of Magical Fortress So the names of the sets of gear for the new ruthless visionmaker gear as well as just the names of the dungeons has changed from what Ktera...
Sunday, August 25, 2013 ruthless visionmaker [Tera Online] Upcoming Ktera PvP update for Visionmaker 2 All of us PvPers only really care about the updates which allow us to the abilities to do more damage within PvP arena's and battlegroun...