[Tera Online] Another Upcoming Patch to Nexus!

[Tera Online] Another Upcoming Patch to Nexus! - Hello, Tera Online Guide Blog Readers, today we are sharing you [Tera Online] Another Upcoming Patch to Nexus!, We are trying to share everything about this topic completely for you. We hope that you can truly understand what is inside this post.

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[Tera Online] Another Upcoming Patch to Nexus!

As if we didn't have enough lag nexus is going to be everyday. The upcoming patch tomorrow will make it so nexus is these times everyday:

12 am pst
6 pm pst
9 pm pst

While they have claimed about modifying the maximum characters which can be seen on a screen this will most likely not effect the overall lag of nexus unfortunately. So now we'll get to enjoy a laggy server everyday. Hopefully with this new update will be a future addition of new content which will lighten the load of nexus or just remove it completely. My guess is why they have decided to make nexus daily is because they want everyone to catch up in the current content with vision-maker and all so they can bring out new content. Although we have not seen any plans of this as of yet. We do know the upcoming arena patch is the closest thing we can hope for at the moment. The hellfire pit on the other hand is far away. Hopefully good things will be in Tera's future for all of us.

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