[Tera Online] Tera Online Chat Commands

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[Tera Online] Tera Online Chat Commands

Like other games Tera Online has a list of Commands which you can use for various emotions as well as other features in the game too. So today I'll go over the different commands and what they do.

Tera Online Emote /commands:
Wave makes your character wave at others.
Usage: /wave
Aliases: /hi or /hello

Bow makes your character bow at others.
Usage: /bow
Aliases: None

Happy makes your character show how happy you are.
Usage: /happy
Aliases: /laugh or /lol

Sad shows others that your sad.
Usage: /sad
Aliases: /cry or /sob

Win shows others your cheer for winning.
Usage: /win
Aliases: /victory or /cheer

Dance shows others your dance.
Usage: /dance
Aliases: None

Taunt so you can taunt your enemies.
Usage: /taunt
Aliases: /bringit or /comeon

Clap give a round of applause.
Usage: /clap
Aliases: /applaud

Beg to beg your enemies for mercy.
Usage: /beg
Aliases: /plead

Think makes others see your thinking about something.
Usage: /think
Aliases: /ponder

Love shows affection to others.
Usage: /love
Aliases: None

Charge tells everyone to charge at the enemies.
Usage: /charge
Aliases: /attack

Point at something in game.
Usage: /point
Aliases: /there

Shy show everyone your shy side.
Usage: /shy
Aliases: /blush

Mad you mad bro?
Usage: /mad
Aliases: /angry or /anger

Tera Online Party /commands:
Invite other players to party.
Usage: /invite
Aliases: /inv

Drop from a party.
Usage: /drop
Aliases: None

Kick a member from a party.
Usage: /kick
Aliases: /uninvite

Disband a party.
Usage: /disband
Aliases: None

Leader change the leader of the party.
Usage: /leader
Aliases: None

Tera Online alternative ways to bring windows up / commands:

Friendlist another way to pull up the friendlist
Usage: /friendlist
Aliases: /social

Friend make someone your friend.
Usage: /friend
Aliases: /fr

Trade make a trade with someone.
Usage: /trade
Aliases: /tr

Inspect look at someones gear.
Usage: /inspect
Aliases: None

Duel with another player.
Usage: /duel
Aliases: /challenge

Uncle give up a duel.
Usage: /uncle
Aliases: /yield

Location links current location for a friend to see.
Usage: /location
Aliases: /whereami

Tera Online Guild /commands:

Gquit so you can quit a guild.
Usage: /gquit
Aliases: /guildquit

Gkick kick another player from a guild.
Usage: /gkick
Aliases: /guildkick

Gmaster change the guild leader.
Usage: /gmaster
Aliases: /guildmaster

Apply so you can apply to a guild.
Usage: /apply <guildleaders name> <message>
Aliases: None

Gdisband so you can disband a created guild.
Usage: /gdisband
Aliases: /guilddisband

Ginfo to pull up the guild info.
Usage: /ginfo
Aliases: /guildinfo

Glist to pull up the list of members.
Usage: /glist
Aliases: /guildlist

Ginvite to invite someone to a guild.
Usage: /ginvite
Aliases: /guildinvite

Gcreate to create a guild.
Usage: /gcreate
Aliases: /guildcreate

Surrender to give up a guild vs guild battle.
Usage: /surrender
Aliases: /whiteflag

Gvg to invite another guild to a gvg battle.
Usage: /gvg
Aliases: /battleinvite

Tera Online show available /commands:

Help pulls up the available commands in the chat window.
Usage: /help
Aliases: /h or /?
window commands
/? chat
/? party
/? LFG
/? emote
/? deathmatch

Tera Online Deathmatch /commands:

DMjoin to join a death match.
Usage: /dmjoin
Aliases: None

DMinvite to invite someone to join a deathmatch.
Usage: /dminvite
Aliases: None

Goal show score of a death match.
Usage: /goal
Aliases: None

Tera Online LFG /commands:

LFGstop to stop looking for a group.
Usage: /lfgstop
Aliases: /lfgend

LFG to look for a group.
Usage: /lfg
Aliases: None

Tera Online Vanarch /commands:

Usage: /loan
Aliases: /propose

Usage: /borrow
Aliases: None

Usage: /ledger
Aliases: /loanlist

Arrest to arrest another player and put them in jail.
Usage: /arrest
Aliases: None

Release to release someone in jail.
Usage: /release
Aliases: None

Tera Online Channel /commands:

Make a channel.
Usage: /make
Aliases: /makechannel or /makechat

Join a channel.
Usage: /join
Aliases: /joinchannel or /joinchat

Leave a channel.
Usage: /leave
Aliases: /leavechat

Chatlist pull up the channel chat list.
Usage: /chatlist
Aliases: /channellist

Chatwho check who's chating in a channel.
Usage: /chatwho
Aliases: /channelwho

Password put a password on a channel.
Usage: /password
Aliases: /chatpassword

Chatkick kick someone from a channel.
Usage: /chatkick
Aliases: /ban

Tera Online Other /commands:

Usage: /played
Aliases: None

Follow to follow the party leader.
Usage: /follow
Aliases: /f

I might be missing some so I'll update this if I forgot something in the future or if something new gets added into game which creates a new /command in Tera Online.

This is all about [Tera Online] Tera Online Chat Commands

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