Friday, November 27, 2015 [Tera Online] Tree of Savior I know I haven't really been posting much in awhile I've been pretty busy with work but wanted to at least post about Tree of Savior...
Monday, February 16, 2015 [Tera Online] Closers Online English Downloader So closers is a newer game which nexon is the publisher of which has a very anime theme type of MOARPG game. I'm not quite sure whether ...
Friday, January 30, 2015 [Tera Online] Sneakyminx Streaming tonight serpentis Archeage While most of you guys might not care too much about watching other games but one of my favorite friends will be streaming tonight. So for a...
Thursday, January 15, 2015 [Tera Online] Archeage Serpentis 10 man Raid Watch live video from karmsrs on
Saturday, November 22, 2014 [Tera Online] Fate of Arun upcoming update and information about Northern Initiative Pack So if you haven't checked your mail recently we got some information about Fate of Arun the new expansion coming out for Tera Online whi...
Saturday, October 18, 2014 [Tera Online] Fane of Kaprima Recycle with Free costume code So after nearly a year since the removal of Fane of Kaprima the dungeon is making a return as a short dungeon event. Hopefully with recycled...
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 [Tera Online] Thresher Impulse Rifles ZMR Just in-case anyone plays the ZMR game from enmasse and didn't get the code for the Thresher Impulse Rifle. I thought I would post it fo...